Extraction of perfumes and flavours from plant materials with liquid carbon dioxide under liquid—vapor equilibrium conditions

Different plant materials including cardamom, clove, cumin, fennel, ginger, parsley and sandelwood were extracted with liquid carbon dioxide under liquid—vapor conditions. The novel apparatus used is described in some detail. The extraction with CO2 is compared to the conventional steam distillation. The yields of the extraction and of the distillation were determined quantitatively and the extracts were analysed by thin layer and by gas chromatography. The yields of the CO2 extractions were 10 % to 360 % larger than the yields of the steam distillations, while the extraction time is only 12 to 110 of the time needed for distillation. The yield of the extractions as function of time can be described by a simple equation. The energy consumption of the extraction process is approximately a factor of three lower than the energy required for steam distillation.