Towards Flexible Integrated Transport Systems: Requirements Analysis for a Prototype Platform

The integration of different transport modes and the development of demand-led transport solutions are seen as promising approaches for enhancing flexibility in transport systems. Moreover, authorities and transport agencies are keen to explore flexible transport systems that will enable transport resources to be optimally utilized, thereby reducing unmet demand. There are particular challenges in rural areas which are often characterized by limited transport service provision, low population density and highly uncertain transport demands. Despite encouraging advances in flexible and demand responsive transport (DRT) services there remains a need to clearly understand operators’ service profiles, service designs and integration challenges (e.g. patient transport with DRT services) if an adequate level of flexibility and integration is to be achieved whilst also taking account of passenger preferences. Against this background, the authors have carried out interviews with stakeholders including DRT service providers, and have organised demonstrations and workshops with transport operators, transport agencies, software developers, local authorities and representatives of NHS in rural Scotland. The main objective of these consultations is to understand service profiles, service designs and other issues including fare models, technology, etc. This has guided the authors in developing a user-friendly prototype platform for a flexible integrated transport system (FITS). The FITS platform acts as a virtual transport marketplace where passenger preferences and requirements are considered; different transport services are integrated and service providers coordinate with one another to create optimal transport options. Argumentation mechanism is used to resolve conflict among passengers’ preferences in a fair manner.