Planning-Level Areawide Multimodal Level-of-Service Analysis: Performance Measures for Congestion Management

The state of Florida has been experiencing an explosion of growth, and it is one of the fastest growing states in the country. While the state has been in the forefront of growth management initiatives, the results have been less than satisfactory. The state recognized the need to integrate land use planning efforts with transportation planning efforts. Legislation was passed that allows the formation of multimodal transportation districts, which focus on appropriate land use mixes and densities that would enhance the use of transportation modes other than the automobile. There are several key elements in the evaluation of these districts, using both land use analysis and the recently adopted multimodal level-of-service performance measures. To validate these evaluation techniques, especially focusing on the level-of-service performance measures, several case studies were undertaken. The guidelines for the formation of a multimodal transportation district provide local governments with a template for enhancing existing and new development. These guidelines also provide a blueprint for sustainable growth and the promotion and development of livable communities through the integration of transportation, land use, and urban design.