Academic programs in computational science and engineering

Outlines are given of various CSE (computational science and engineering) educational programs in the US. Traditional computer science, physical science, and engineering programs have not cross-trained their students beyond the college sophomore level. The education that occurs beyond this level tends to be ad hoc, on the job, and self-taught. CSE programs have risen out of a desire to remedy this situation. Although program specifics vary, the common thread is that they contain substantial computer science and engineering/science content. All the programs encompass more than one department, and most involve computer science. Ideally, students should learn most of the course material from two disciplines; since this is unreasonable, hard choices must be made as to what material to include. The descriptions presented illustrate the programs' diversity as well as their common approach, combining computer science, engineering, science, and applied mathematics in some way. Programs at the following universities are discussed: Clemson University, George Mason University, Mississippi State University, North Carolina University, Purdue University, Rennslaer Polytechnic Institute, Rice University, Stanford University, Syracuse University, University of California at Davis, University of California at San Diego, University of Michigan and University of Utah.<<ETX>>