A friendly statistics package for microarray analysis

SUMMARY The friendly statistics package for microarray analysis (FSPMA) is a tool that aims to fill the gap between simple to use and powerful analysis. FSPMA is a platform-independent R-package that allows efficient exploration of microarray data without the need for computer programming. Analysis is based on a mixed model ANOVA library (YASMA) that was extended to allow more flexible comparisons and other useful operations like k nearest neighbour imputing and spike-based normalization. Processing is controlled by a definition file that specifies all the steps necessary to derive analysis results from quantified microarray data. In addition to providing analysis without programming, the definition file also serves as exact documentation of all the analysis steps. AVAILABILITY The library is available under GPL 2 license and, together with additional information, provided at http://www.ccbi.cam.ac.uk/software/psyk/software.html#fspma