Sizing and Optimization Photovoltaic, Fuel Cell and Battery Hybrid System

In the National Park of Araguaia, Tocantins-Brazil was installed a pilot project that combines photovoltaic (PV), fuel cells and batteries. The purpose of this pilot project is to demonstrate the viability to produce hydrogen from the PV system in off-peak load and store it to provide power on-demand using the local source, thus ensuring a continuous power flow. In this paper, a methodology to design of PV, batteries, electrolyzers and fuel cells analytically is proposed. The optimization of the hybrid system with aid of computational program HOMER© (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable) is presented. Different combinations of sizes were selected in order to identify the optimal combination of the hydrogen based system. A comparison and simulation with differs type of load profile is showing. The results showed reducing cost of hybrid system with demand-side management.