Topic 18: Parallel I/O and Storage Technology

Input and output (I/O) is a major performance bottleneck for large-scale scientific applications running on parallel platforms. For example, it is not uncommon that performance of carefully tuned parallel programs can slow dramatically when they read or write files. This is because many parallel applications need to access large amounts of data, and although great advances have been made in the CPU and communication performance of parallel machines, similar advances have not been made in their I/O performance. The densities and capacities of disks have increased significantly, but improvement in performance of individual disks has not followed the same pace. For parallel computers to be truly usable for solving real, large-scale problems, the I/O performance must be scalable and balanced with respect to the CPU and communication performance of the system. Parallel I/O techniques can help to solve this problem by creating multiple data paths between memory and disks. However, simply adding disk drives to an I/O system without considering the overall software design will improve performance only marginally. The parallel I/O and storage research community is pursuing solutions in several different areas in order to solve the problem. Active areas of research include disk arrays, network-attached storage, parallel and distributed file systems, theory and algorithms, compiler and language support for I/O, runtime libraries, reliability and fault tolerance, large-scale scientific data management, database and multimedia I/O, real-time I/O, and tertiary storage. The MPI-IO interface, defined by the MPI Forum as part of the MPI-2 standard, aims to provide a standard, portable API that enables implementations to deliver high I/O performance to parallel applications. The Parallel I/O Archive at Dartmouth, is an excellent resource for further information on the subject. It has a comprehensive bibliography and links to various I/O projects.