Beeswax of commerce can be divided into two main groups, viz., wax separated from the bee of occidental specis, and that from the bee of oriental species.Beeswax beeing natural material, the quality is, regionally and climatically, more or less dissimilar, it is inevitable that beeswax itself catches an ordor of flower by reason that the bee collects nectar of flower.With the progress of the various raw materials in recent cosmetic industry materials gone through deordorizing process come to be put on the market. In order to control raw msterials, it is most necessary to ascertain the substance with should disappear by deordrization, but it was considerable difficult to search the nature of substances that are infinitesimal.The author examined about the nature of these substances by dint of Gas-chromatogrph. Firstly, steam distillation was made to reproduce the deordorizing process, and offensive smell components extracted form distillate were run through gas-chromatgraph.In considertion of increase of the height of the peak by the addition of an authentic substance that is suspected of corresponding to a certain peak, identification was carried out about seven kinds of aldehyde. The present study was made only about beeswax of occidental species.