노인체조의 실태와 활성화 방안 연구

In X00 the average longevity of Korean is 75.9 years old and in 2030 it will be over 81.5 years old, so we will be a longevity society. As lengthening national`s span of life, the ratio of the aged population is continually increasing. In 2000 the ratio of the aged population is 7.2%, and the aging society has set in. In 2019, as it will be over 14, we will enter into the aged society. As increasing of the aged population, the healthy body of the aged became the serious subject and physical training for them is being emphasized. Especially the gymnastics which they can exercise easily are suitable. Japan is a longevity nation which is developed society education and life physical. It has a number of systems and organizations for them. In `All the Japanese`s Health Music Institute for Research`, for example, expression gymnastic which communicate emotion and intension through physical to the aged has spread far and wide. In Korea, as physical training for health of both body and psychology of the aged, the aged gymnastic programs of various forms are being developed for popularization of suitable gymnastics. The aged gymnastic programs have `Waist Strengthening Gymnastic`, `Vertebra Strengthening Gymnastic`, `Chinese Medicine Life Health Gymnastic` for health maintenance, `Prevention Gymnastic`, `Protection against Dataltia Gymnastic` for prevention of diseases, and `Sunrise Gymnastic`, `New Millenium Health Gymnastic`. For spreading of popularization, we need these followings. The fust, the preparation of given education condition and publicity activities of Nation. The second, the establishment of support system which the aged are cared of their health through experts` cooperation of medical, health, and nutrition. The third, the preparation of public institutions for gymnastics in suitable and comfortable environment and financial security for free education. The fourth, the development of various gymnastic programs of suitable forms and contents for the aged in Korea The fifth, systematic training as social physical directors for ynmastic education of the aged.