Closure of "Inelastic Buckling of Concrete Column in Braced Frame"

The paper proposes an improved method of analysis of reinforced concrete columns in braced (no-sway) frames, which is suitable as a simple computer solution for design practice and is more realistic than the existing ACI and CBB methods. The elastic restraint provided by beams adjacent to columns is described by rotational springs. The inelastic behavior of concrete is defined by a uniaxial stress-strain curve with postpeak softening in compression and a zero strength in tension. Plasticity of reinforcement is also considered. The deflection curve is assumed to be a sine curve. The improvement consists in considering the wavelength as unknown and variable during loading. The problem is reduced to a system of seven nonlinear algebraic equations, which are easily solved for small increments of axial displacement by a standard library optimization algorithm. The convergence always occurs and is fast if the increments are small enough. The influence of various param­ eters on the load-deflection curve, the path in the diagram of axial load P versus moment M, and the failure envelope are studied. Various phenomena, such as the possibility of a concave P(M) path at constant load eccentricity, are explained. It is shown that the ACI approach is slightly conservative in most cases, although situations exist in which the ACI approach is either grossly overconservative or slightly unconservative.