Design of near-infrared sky brightness monitor for measurements in Antarctica

The Antarctica Plateau with high altitude, low water vapor and low thermal emission from the atmosphere is known as one of the best sites on the earth for conducting astronomical observations from the near infrared to the sub-millimeter. Many optical astronomical telescopes are proposed by Chinese astronomical society at present, such as Kunlun Dark Universe Survey Telescope (KDUST), 6.5-meter optical telescopes and 12-meter optical and infrared telescopes. Accurate estimation of the sky background brightness of proposed sites provides the scientific basis for instruments design and observatory site selection. Based on this requirement, a near-infrared sky brightness monitor (NISBM) based on InGaAs photoelectric diode is designed by using the method of chopper modulation and digital lock-in amplifier in the near infrared band of J, H, Ks. The adaptability of the monitor under extremely low temperature conditions in Antarctica is promoted by taking advantage of PID heating and fault detection system. Considering the weak signal of Ks band in Antarctica, a surface blackbody is equipped for real-time calibration. For the adverse circumstances to human, an EPICS and Web based Remote Control Software is implemented for unattended operation. The NISBM has been successfully installed in Dome A, Antarctica on January 2019.