Abstract : CU Aerospace recently completed an Air Force Phase I SBIR to test a proof-of principle Monopropellant Propulsion Unit for CubeSats (MPUC), consisting of a thrust chamber and demonstrating complete catalyzed combustion of an H202-based propellant denoted as CMP-8. CMP-8 has zero toxicity and no special measures are required for its long-term storage. The propellant was subjected to a scaled UN Series 1 detonation test series and demonstrated no detonation propagation when confined under a change of high explosive. Potentiometric titrations with standardized sodium bisulfite demonstrated no degradation in the CMP-8 over a four-month, room-temperature storage period. Thrust stand tests achieved a thrust level of100mN Isp 183 s with an average input power of 3 W, for hot fire runs typically spanning 10 minutes. A single run of greater than one hour was also demonstrated. A trade study was performed of CMP-8 and its nearest competitors. A number of operational metrics and issues were examined, and while other propellants have a minor advantage in Isp, the MPUC propellant has advantages in availability, cost, lower flame temperature (less thermal management and radiation losses), lower pre-heat temperature, lower viscosity, and low thruster materials cost. MPUC designs comprise a complete propulsion system technology for CubeSats and other small satellites, with a high performance, nontoxic monopropellant that possesses benign storage characteristics. The conceptual system also provides cold-gas attitude control and projects 1200 N-s/liter of volumetric impulse.