Turbulence structure and vortex dynamics
Introduction 1. Motion and expansion of a viscous vortex ring: elliptical slowing down and diffusive expansion Yasuhide Fukumoto and H. K. Moffatt 2. Stretching and compression of vorticity in the 3D Euler equations J. D. Gibbon, B. Galanti and R. M. Kerr 3. Structure of a new family of vortices of stretched non-axisymmetric vortices Stephane le Dizes 4. Core dynamics of a coherent structure: a prototypical physical-space cascade mechanism? Dhoorjaty S. Pradeep and Fazle Hussain 5. Fundamental instabilities in spatially-developing wing wakes and temporally-developing vortex pairs C. H. K. Williamson, T. Leweke and G. D. Miller 6. Vortex lines and vortex triangles in superfluid helium Carlo F. Barenghi 7. Evolution of localized packets of vorticity and scalar in turbulence A. Leonard 8. Vortical structure and modelling of turbulence E. A. Novikov 9. The issue of local isotropy of velocity and scalar turbulent fields Z. Warhaft 10. Near-singular flow structure: dissipation and eduction J. C. Vassilicos 11. Vortex stretching versus production of strain/dissipation Arkaday Tsinober 12. Dynamics and statistics of vortical eddies in turbulence J. C. R. Hunt 13. Stability of vortex structures in a rotating frame Claude Cambon 14. LES and vortex topology in shear and rotating flows Marcel Lesieur, Pierre Comte and Olivier Metais 15. Conditional mode elimination with asymptotic freedom for isotropic turbulence at large Reynolds numbers David McComb and Craig Johnston.