A formal approach to collaborative modelling and co-simulation for embedded systems†

The development of embedded computing systems poses significant challenges. The increasing complexity of distributed control and the need to provide evidence to support assurance of safety suggest that there is merit in adopting model-based formal methods. However, such approaches require effective collaboration between the engineering disciplines involved, and in particular the integration of discrete-event models of controllers with continuous-time models of their environments. This paper proposes a new approach to the development of such combined models (co-models), in which an initial discrete-event model may include approximations of continuoustime behaviour that can later be replaced by couplings to continuous-time models. An operational semantics of co-simulation then allows the discrete and continuous models to run on their respective simulators, managed by a coordinating cosimulation engine. This permits the exploration of the composite co-model’s behaviour in a range of operational scenarios. The approach has been realised using the Vienna Development Method (VDM) as the discrete-event formalism, and 20-sim as the continuous-time framework, and has been applied successfully to a case study based on the distributed controller for a personal transporter device. © 2011 Newcastle University. Printed and published by Newcastle University, Computing Science, Claremont Tower, Claremont Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, England. Bibliographical details FITZGERALD, J.S., LARSEN, P.G., PIERCE, K.G., VERHOEF, M.H.G. A Formal Approach to Collaborative Modelling and Co-simulation for Embedded Systems [By] J.S. Fitzgerald, P.G. Larsen, K.G. Pierce, M.H.G. Verhoef Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University: Computing Science, 2011. (Newcastle University, Computing Science, Technical Report Series, No. CS-TR-1264)

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