M uch of the d i s cus s ion of hea l t h pol icy reform h a s focused on f inanc ing a n d del ivery m e c h a n i s m s , appropr ia te ly so, given the c r i s i s in access to care. But the major hea l th care bi l ls cons ide red by Congress in 1994 all con t a ined s ign i f i can t s ec t ions on medica l malpractice. 1--3 They s h a r e d a two-pronged s t ra tegy. The first p rong is federal p r e e m p t i o n of s t a t e law in a var ie ty of doct r ina l areas . These changes in doc t r i ne s a re des igned to l imi t c l a ims by pa t i en t s . S i m i l a r re forms have been passed by s t a t e leg is la tures , b u t never by the federal government . The s econd p r o n g is e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n wi th a l ternat ives to tor t l i t iga t ion , w h i c h could lay the founda t ion for more sweep ing changes in the way we preven t and c o m p e n s a t e medica l in jur ies . If the Repub l i can -controlled Congress p u r s u e s hea l th care reform in 1995, it is likely ma lp rac t i ce reform will be a cen t ra l p a r t of any package. The e m p h a s i s on e x p e r i m e n t s w i t h a l t e r n a t i v e m e c h a n i s m s at the federal level will l ikely give fu r the r impe tus to efforts a l ready u n d e r way a t the s t a t e level. Two s ta tes have growing exper ience w i th no-faul t mecha n i s m s for neona t a l neuro logie in jur ies . A n o t h e r s ta te has had a sys tem in place for i n t e g r a t i n g medica l practice gu ide l ines in to ma lp rac t i ce l i t iga t ion , a n d o the r s a re now following sui t . Two o the r s t a t e s are c o n s i d e r i n g provider p roposa l s to expe r imen t wi th no-faul t c o m p e n s a t ion for all medica l in jur ies . The a m o u n t of in te res t in ma lp rac t i ce reform is no t surpr i s ing . Medical ma lp rac t i ce p r e m i u m s r e p r e s e n t 1% of the total hea l th care costs , 4 b u t p rov ide r conce rns abou t l awsui t s have often t ended to p u s h tor t re form to the front of legislat ive agendas , a n d likely ma lp rac t i ce modi f ica t ions will con t inue to d r aw more a n d more atten t ion bo th in Wash ing ton , DC, a n d in s t a t e capi ta l s .
D. Orentlicher,et al.
A fault-based administrative alternative for resolving medical malpractice claims.
Specialty law digest. Health care.
T. Brennan,et al.
Physicians' perceptions of the risk of being sued.
Journal of health politics, policy and law.
P. Weiler.
The Case for No-Fault Medical Liability
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Medical Malpractice: Theory, Evidence, and Public Policy
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Relationship between malpractice claims and cesarean delivery.
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Physician Reporting Compared with Medical-Record Review to Identify Adverse Medical Events
Annals of Internal Medicine.
S. Lipsitz,et al.
Do the Poor Sue More?: A Case-Control Study of Malpractice Claims and Socioeconomic Status
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Professional liability--a no-fault solution.
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Medical malpractice on trial
L. Tancredi,et al.
Obstetrics and malpractice. Evidence on the performance of a selective no-fault system.
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The economic consequences of medical injuries. Implications for a no-fault insurance plan.
Ann G. Lawthers,et al.
Relation between malpractice claims and adverse events due to negligence. Results of the Harvard Medical Practice Study III.
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Information on malpractice: a review of empirical research on major policy issues.
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Security Insurance, Patient Insurance, and Pharmaceutical Insurance in Sweden
J. Hanzal,et al.
A measure of malpractice