Analysis of Factors Influencing Patent Citations

ABSTRACT Recently, the valuation of patented technology has been greatly emphasized, and patent citation has been accepted as a very useful index of this technology. In this study, we performed correlation analyses between the patent citation coun ts and 17 explanatory variables of morphological, technological, and conceptual facto rs with a test dataset of U.S. patents in five subject fields. Seven variables having 5% or more standardized variances(r 2 ) with patent citation counts were identified; number of pages, number of claims, reference-average-citation rate, patent increase/decrea se rate, strength of bibliographic coupling, co-citation counts and document similar ity. The result of the ANOVA test shows that the mean values of these variables vary among most subject fields.키워드: 특허인용, 인용분석, 특허 피인용횟수, 특허인용 영향요인patent citations, citation analysis, patent citation counts, factors influencing patent citation ****** 이 논문은 박사학위 논문의 일부를 요약 ․정리한 것임.한국원자력연구원 책임연구원( ( 제1저자)연세대학교 문헌정보학과 교수( ( 공동저자)