Web Utilization and Telegram Gateway Features for Management of Booking Make Up Services at Ulfisinta Make Up

Advances in information technology that is increasingly developing now has been used as a very important means to produce the information needed. WWW technology or the web as one type of service that is connected with the internet. One of the uses that require the application of web-based information technology is service in make up services. In Ulfisinta Make Up in its management, the recording of consumer data is still done manually or handwritten notes, causing misunderstanding between admins because the notes are sometimes unclear. Lack of management of consumer data if there is a booking in a period of time that is still long. The amount of proof of payment or transfer that must be stored so that it takes a long time if the data is needed again. This study aims to build an Application Management Information System for Make Up Services on Ulfisinta Make Up Web-Based with Telegram Gateway Feature which is expected to be used in the future for booking management and also a means of information to consumers to get information faster.