Power Losses Reduction of Solar PV Systems Under Partial Shading Conditions Using Re-Allocation of PV Module-Fixed Electrical Connections

The paper gives a review of the investigation, which is being imported under different shading scenarios on the solar photovoltaic (PV) array arrangements. Under non-uniform irradiations, the authors pursue voluminous interpretation to scrutinize the mismatch power losses (PL) in PV array systems. In addition to power, the partial shading also reveals non-linearity along with multiple maximum power points (MPP) on performance curves i.e. power-voltage (P-V) and current-voltage (I-V). The inspection of the optimal layout of PV modules during the study helps us to extract maximum power and reduce the number of power peaks, when arranged in an array under partial shading conditions (PSCs). In the vicinity of PV array configurations such as series-parallel (SP), honey-comb (HC), bridge-link (BL), total cross-tied (TCT), and hybrid series-parallel-Total cross-tied (SP-TCT), bridge link-honey comb (BL-HC), and bridge link-total cross-tied (BL-TCT) are considered to investigate the performance under shadowing conditions. Moreover, Latin square (LS) puzzle is introduced to reconfigure the PV array and extensive comprehensive comparison with conventional is presented and entitled as “LS-TCT” configuration. The MATLAB/Simulink environment helps in modelling all the considered PV array configurations. The recommended LS-TCT configuration is turned out to be superior (for MATLAB/Simulink study) among all configurations during PSCs in terms of location of global maximum power point (GMPP), minimized PL and improved fill factor (FF). To show the superiority of proposed Shape-do-Ku (SPDK) puzzle based configuration, an experimental comparison is shown with conventional TCT and LS-TCT, Su-do-Ku (SDK) puzzle based configurations under new shading pattern-4. In addition, presented experimental study is validated the results obtained during MATLAB/Simulink study.