Public policy instruments : evaluating the tools of public administration
Part 1 The state of the art of the study of policy instruments: the traditional approach to policy instruments, Hans A. de Bruijn and Hans A.M. Hufen the study of policy instruments - four schools of thought, Stephen H. Linder and B. Guy Peters the trade-off between the appropriateness and fit of policy instruments, Rene Bagchus. Part 2 The quest for policy instruments: a contextual approach to policy instruments, Hans A. de Bruin and Ernst F. ten Heuvelhof the choice of policy instruments in policy networks, Hans T.A. Bressers a public choice approach to the selection of policy instruments, Dirk Jan Kraan the political circumstances of instrumental design - the case of privatization in Eastern Europe, David L. Weimer et al. Part 3 The rhythms and blues of policy instruments: the dynamics of policy instruments, Roeland J. in't Veld the acceptability and visibility of policy instruments. Part 4 A re-examination of the study of policy instruments: the sociogenesis of policy tools in the Netherlands, Nico A.A. Baakman on instruments and instrumentality - a critical assessment, Frans K.M. van Nispen and Arthur B. Ringeling.