Information security : First International Workshop, ISW '97, Tatsunokuchi, Ishikawa, Japan, September 17-19, 1997 : proceedings

A general theory of codes, II: Paradigms and homomorphisms.- Improving the higher order differential attack and cryptanalysis of the KN cipher.- An optimised linear attack on pseudorandom generators using a non-linear combiner.- Cryptanalysis of message authentication codes.- The least witness of a composite number.- Fast algorithm for finding a small root of a quadratic modular equation.- Modified Finite Automata Public Key Cryptosystem.- Modified ElGamal cryptosystem.- Remarks on blind decryption.- High-speed cryptography.- Secure applications of low-entropy keys.- A key escrow system of the RSA cryptosystem.- A key escrow system with protecting user's privacy by blind decoding.- Some recent research aspects of threshold cryptography.- A high-speed small RSA encryption LSI with low power dissipation.- The case for a secure multi-application smart card operating system.- An augmented family of cryptographic Parity Circuits.- A new byte-oriented block cipher.- Practice-oriented provable-security.- A framework for the management of information security.- Specifying security in a composite system.- On rough sets and inference analysis.- Arbitrated unconditionally secure authentication scheme with multi-senders.- Group signatures for hierarchical multigroups.- Threshold proxy signature schemes.- Signcryption and its applications in efficient public key solutions.- A new digital cash scheme based on blind Nyberg-Rueppel digital signature.- An incremental payment method for internet based streaming real-time media.- A new identity-based key exchange protocol minimizing computation and communication.- The application of ID-based key distribution systems to an elliptic curve.- On reconciliation of discrepant sequences shared through quantum mechanical channels.