Retraction notice to: “A global survey of gas hydrate development and reserves: Specifically in the marine field”
Multiple figures reproduced without permissions, and some also without reference either in caption/reference list. This article has been retracted: please see Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal ( ). This article is retracted at the request of the Editor in Chief and with the agreement of the author. This article reuses figures from earlier published papers/works which, although acknowledged in the in many cases and in the reference list in some cases, have been included without prior permission having been obtained from the copyright holder. A full summary of the figures and original sources is listed as follows: Figures 1 and 2 earlier appeared in “Gas hydrates: entrance to a methane age or climate threat? ”, Environmental Research Letters, 4: 034007 (2009), doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/4/3/034007 , as Figures 1a and 2 respectively. The original source was not referenced although the Figure 2 caption states “Courtesy of Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe”. Figures 4 and 5 earlier appeared in “ Distribution and Characters of Gas Hydrate Offshore of Southwestern Taiwan” Terrestrial Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences, 17:4, pp. 615–644 (2006), as Figures 5 and 6 (lower) respectively. The original source was not referenced although Figure 4 caption references a different source [34] Chen SC, Wang YS. Gas hydratemining techniques. Sci Dev 2007; 412:26–31, and Figure 5 caption references a different source [37] Liu CS. Taiwan southwest waters emerging energy – gas hydrate resources survey and evaluation: seismic and geothermal survey (1/4). Central Geological Survey MOEA; 2008. Figures 6 and 7 earlier appeared in an unpublished presentation by Tsanyao Frank Yang, Dept. of Geoscience, National Taiwan University, as Slides 12 and 14 respectively. THe original source was not referenced although the captions reference “Gas Hydrates Spindle Project, NSTPE, Phase II Planning Report”. Figure 8 earlier appeared in The Real Weapons of Mass Destruction: Methane, Propaganda & the Architects of Genocide Part IV. An investigative report, (2011), , as Figure 2 (excluding video). The original source was not referenced, but Figure 8 references as the data source (although the figure does not appear in this source). The journal apologizes to readers that this issue was not detected prior to publication.