Mining for frequent episodes has been an active research area in recent years. Numerous algorithms have been developed to discover different types of episodes, where most of them adopt an a priori-like approach that generates candidates and then recognises these candidates to determine their support. However, such methods are computationally expensive, depending on the size and structure of the input data. Within this paper a tree growth based method is presented discovering episodes without candidate generation. The presented method only consists of a recognition phase that dynamically extends a specialised tree structure to efficiently store and process episodes.
Heikki Mannila,et al.
Discovery of Frequent Episodes in Event Sequences
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.
Ming-Syan Chen,et al.
Utilizing Slice Scan and Selective Hash for Episode Mining
Heikki Mannila,et al.
Discovering Frequent Episodes in Sequences
Rakesh Agarwal,et al.
Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules
VLDB 1994.
Jian Pei,et al.
Mining frequent patterns by pattern-growth: methodology and implications