SemRank: ranking refinement strategy by using the semantic intensity

The ubiquity of the multimedia has raised a need for the system that can store, manage, structured the multimedia data in such a way that it can be retrieved intelligently. One of the current issues in media management or data mining research is ranking of retrieved documents. Ranking is one of the provocative problems for information retrieval systems. Given a user query comes up with the millions of relevant results but if the ranking function cannot rank it according to the relevancy than all results are just obsolete. However, the current ranking techniques are in the level of keyword matching. The ranking among the results is usually done by using the term frequency. This paper is concerned with ranking the document relying merely on the rich semantic inside the document instead of the contents. Our proposed ranking refinement strategy known as SemRank, rank the document based on the semantic intensity. Our approach has been applied on the open benchmark LabelMe dataset and compared against one of the well known ranking model i.e. Vector Space Model (VSM). The experimental results depicts that our approach has achieved significant improvement in retrieval performance over the state of the art ranking methods.

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