This paper contains a number of practical remarks on Hilbert series that we expect to be useful in various contexts. We use the fractional Riemann-Roch formula of Fletcher and Reid to write out explicit formulas for the Hilbert series P( t)in a number of cases of interest for singular surfaces (see Lemma 2.1 )a nd 3-folds. If X is a Q-Fano 3-fold and S ∈| −KX | a K3 surface in its anticanonical system (or the general elephant of X), polarised with D = S (−KX ), we determine the relation between PX (t) and PS,D(t). We discuss the denominator � (1 − t ai ) of P( t) and, in particular, the question of how to choose a reasonably small denominator. This idea has applications to finding K3 surfaces and Fano 3-folds whose corresponding graded rings have small codimension. Most of the information about the anticanonical ring of a Fano 3-fold or K3 surface is contained in its Hilbert series. We believe that, by using information on Hilbert series, the classification of Q-Fano 3-folds is too close. Finding K3 surfaces are important because they occur as the general elephant of a Q-Fano 3-fold.
A. R. Iano-Fletcher,et al.
Explicit Birational Geometry of 3-Folds: Working with weighted complete intersections
S. Mukai,et al.
Complex Projective Geometry: Fano 3-folds
David A. Buchsbaum,et al.
Algebra Structures for Finite Free Resolutions, and Some Structure Theorems for Ideals of Codimension 3
Miles Reid,et al.
Young person''s guide to canonical singularities
M. Reid,et al.
Explicit birational geometry of 3-folds
A. R. Fletcher.
Plurigenera of 3-folds and weighted hypersurfaces
Miles Reid,et al.
Explicit Birational Geometry of 3-Folds: Fano 3-fold hypersurfaces
V. A. Iskovskih.
Fano 3-FOLDS. I