A Piece of the Puzzle Tactical Air Power in Operations Other than War

Abstract : In view of the current chaotic international climate, military pressure will continue as a vital tool in crisis response. Tactical air power, in particular, has contributed significantly to numerous recent limited operations. This essay provides a historical analysis of these Operational Other Than War. This perspective reveals the strengths and weaknesses of tactical air power in this narrow arena. Those very characteristics are defined through the principles governing these highly political actions. Specifically, the employment of tactical air power substantially supports the tenets of perseverance, legitimacy, balance and planning for uncertainty. To a lesser extent, air power provides limited utility in meeting the concepts of security, unity of effort and coordination. Finally, the most difficult issue satisfied through the use of tactical air power is restraint. Tactical air power's utility, in the framework of current doctrine, provides the operational commander the proper fit for this key piece in the puzzle of Operations Other Than War.