Effects of Highly-pure-enriched-cellulose Diet on Digestibility, Lipid Metabolism and Redox Status in Obese Offspring of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats

Abstract The long-term nutritional efficacy of a highly-pure-enriched-cellulose (HPEC) diet and its effects on lipid metabolism and oxidant/antioxidant status were investigated in obese offspring of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Diabetes in pregnant rats was induced by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin on day 5 of gestation. Control pregnant rats were injected with citrate buffer. At weaning offspring of diabetic and control rats were fed HPEC or control diet, they were housed individually in metabolic cage for 2 months to investigate the nutritional efficacy of the diets. Consumption of HPEC diet decrease weight gain and energy intake, increase fecal weight and reduce lipid and protein digestibility; however, these diet had no effect on protein utilization, and nitrogen balance remained positive which confirms that HPEC diet had no significant long-term nutritional risks. Indeed for obese offspring from diabetic rats, these diet associated with high satiety promote weight loss, and provide reasonable glycemic control, these diet also lower blood lipids concentration and correct the imbalance of oxidant/antioxidant system. HPEC diet had a protective effect against long-term metabolic abnormalities associated with macrosomia.

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