Relative Humidity in the Troposphere with AIRS

AbstractNew global satellite data from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) are applied to study the tropospheric relative humidity (RH) distribution and its influence on outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) for January and July in 2003, 2007, and 2011. RH has the largest maxima over 90% in the equatorial tropopause layer in January. Maxima in July do not arise above 60%. Seasonal variations of about 20% in zonally averaged RH are observed in the equatorial region of the low troposphere, in the equatorial tropopause layer, and in the polar regions. The seasonal variability in the recent decade has increased by about 5% relative to that in 1973–88, indicating a positive trend. The observed RH profiles indicate a moist bias in the tropical and subtropical regions typically produced by the general circulation models. The new data and method of evaluating the statistical significance of bimodality confirm bimodal probability distributions of RH at large tropospheric scales, notably in the ascending branch of ...

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