Conceptual and empirical advances in Neotropical biodiversity research

The unparalleled biodiversity found in the American tropics (the Neotropics) has attracted the attention of naturalists for centuries. Despite major advances in recent years in our understanding of the origin and diversification of many Neotropical taxa and biotic regions, many questions remain to be answered. Additional biological and geological data are still needed, as well as methodological advances that are capable of bridging these research fields. In this review, aimed primarily at advanced students and early-career scientists, we introduce the concept of “trans-disciplinary biogeography,” which refers to the integration of data from multiple areas of research in biology (e.g., community ecology, phylogeography, systematics, historical biogeography) and Earth and the physical sciences (e.g., geology, climatology, palaeontology), as a means to reconstruct the giant puzzle of Neotropical biodiversity and evolution in space and time. We caution against extrapolating results derived from the study of one or a few taxa to convey general scenarios of Neotropical evolution and landscape formation. We urge more coordination and integration of data and ideas among disciplines, transcending their traditional boundaries, as a basis for advancing tomorrow’s ground-breaking research. Our review highlights the great opportunities for studying the Neotropical biota to understand the evolution of life.

[1]  Alexandre Antonelli,et al.  Embracing heterogeneity: coalescing the Tree of Life and the future of phylogenomics , 2019, PeerJ.

[2]  P. Sleen,et al.  Field Guide to the Fishes of the Amazon, Orinoco, and Guianas , 2018 .

[3]  S. Wright,et al.  Filter‐dispersal assembly of lowland Neotropical rainforests across the Andes , 2018 .

[4]  R. Etienne,et al.  Using molecular phylogenies in island biogeography: it's about time , 2018 .

[5]  J. Albert,et al.  The changing course of the Amazon River in the Neogene: center stage for Neotropical diversification , 2018 .

[6]  A. Antonelli,et al.  Iriarteeae palms tracked the uplift of Andean Cordilleras , 2018 .

[7]  D. Silvestro,et al.  Early Arrival and Climatically-Linked Geographic Expansion of New World Monkeys from Tiny African Ancestors , 2018, Systematic biology.

[8]  A. S. Meseguer,et al.  Ancient tropical extinctions contributed to the latitudinal diversity gradient , 2018, bioRxiv.

[9]  Daniele Silvestro,et al.  Amazonia is the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity , 2018, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[10]  H. Tuomisto,et al.  Variation in the species richness of parasitoid wasps (Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae and Rhyssinae) across sites on different continents , 2018 .

[11]  Richard H. Ree,et al.  Conceptual and statistical problems with the DEC+J model of founder‐event speciation and its comparison with DEC via model selection , 2018 .

[12]  R. Collevatti,et al.  The road to evolutionary success: insights from the demographic history of an Amazonian palm , 2018, Heredity.

[13]  C. Moritz,et al.  Biome stability in South America over the last 30 kyr: Inferences from long‐term vegetation dynamics and habitat modelling , 2018 .

[14]  J. Albert,et al.  Revision of Banded Knifefishes of the Gymnotus carapo and G. tigre clades (Gymnotidae Gymnotiformes) from the Southern Neotropics. , 2018, Zootaxa.

[15]  H. Steege,et al.  Finding needles in the haystack: where to look for rare species in the American tropics , 2018 .

[16]  F. Molina-Freaner,et al.  Aridification as a driver of biodiversity: a case study for the cycad genus Dioon (Zamiaceae) , 2018, Annals of botany.

[17]  F. Bongers,et al.  How People Domesticated Amazonian Forests , 2018, Front. Ecol. Evol..

[18]  Gabriela Zuquim,et al.  Beyond climate control on species range: The importance of soil data to predict distribution of Amazonian plant species , 2018 .

[19]  B. Horton Sedimentary record of Andean mountain building , 2017 .

[20]  Carsten Rahbek,et al.  Process, Mechanism, and Modeling in Macroecology. , 2017, Trends in ecology & evolution.

[21]  W. D. Kissling,et al.  Frugivory-related traits promote speciation of tropical palms , 2017, Nature Ecology & Evolution.

[22]  S. Blanchet,et al.  A global database on freshwater fish species occurrence in drainage basins , 2017, Scientific Data.

[23]  M. C. D. Pinna,et al.  Biogeography of Amazonian fishes: deconstructing river basins as biogeographic units , 2017 .

[24]  Bárbara Françoise Cardoso,et al.  Using long-term data to predict fish abundance: the case of Prochilodus lineatus (Characiformes, Prochilodontidae) in the intensely regulated upper Paraná River , 2017 .

[25]  W. D. Stevens,et al.  Amazon plant diversity revealed by a taxonomically verified species list , 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[26]  J. Krause,et al.  New primate locality from the early Miocene of Patagonia, Argentina. , 2017, American journal of physical anthropology.

[27]  Marcelo Gehara,et al.  Estimating synchronous demographic changes across populations using hABC and its application for a herpetological community from northeastern Brazil , 2017, Molecular ecology.

[28]  L. Knowles,et al.  Genomic signatures of paleodrainages in a freshwater fish along the southeastern coast of Brazil: genetic structure reflects past riverine properties , 2017, Heredity.

[29]  G. Colli,et al.  The historical connections between the Amazon and the Atlantic Forest revisited , 2017 .

[30]  Bryan C. Carstens,et al.  Do ecological communities disperse across biogeographic barriers as a unit? , 2017, Molecular ecology.

[31]  N. Matzke,et al.  Recent origin and rapid speciation of Neotropical orchids in the world's richest plant biodiversity hotspot , 2017, The New phytologist.

[32]  E. Dantas,et al.  The Amazon at sea: Onset and stages of the Amazon River from a marine record, with special reference to Neogene plant turnover in the drainage basin , 2017 .

[33]  F. Glaw,et al.  How marine currents influenced the widespread natural overseas dispersal of reptiles in the Western Indian Ocean region , 2017 .

[34]  J. Parrish,et al.  Teaching Biology in the Field: Importance, Challenges, and Solutions , 2017 .

[35]  J. S. Arias An event model for phylogenetic biogeography using explicitly geographical ranges , 2017 .

[36]  J. Escobar,et al.  Miocene flooding events of western Amazonia , 2017, Science Advances.

[37]  Kyle G. Dexter,et al.  Seasonal drought limits tree species across the Neotropics , 2017 .

[38]  R. T. Brumfield,et al.  A latitudinal phylogeographic diversity gradient in birds , 2017, PLoS biology.

[39]  Alexey M. Kozlov,et al.  Parasites dominate hyperdiverse soil protist communities in Neotropical rainforests , 2017, Nature Ecology &Evolution.

[40]  A. Antonelli,et al.  Biogeography: Drivers of bioregionalization , 2017, Nature Ecology &Evolution.

[41]  A Alonso,et al.  Persistent effects of pre-Columbian plant domestication on Amazonian forest composition , 2017, Science.

[42]  N. Matzke,et al.  Biodiversity and Topographic Complexity: Modern and Geohistorical Perspectives. , 2017, Trends in ecology & evolution.

[43]  Kalle Ruokolainen,et al.  Modelling responses of western Amazonian palms to soil nutrients , 2017 .

[44]  Grasiela Casas,et al.  Untangling the Tangled Bank: A Novel Method for Partitioning the Effects of Phylogenies and Traits on Ecological Networks , 2017, Evolutionary Biology.

[45]  R. Pennington,et al.  Dispersal assembly of rain forest tree communities across the Amazon basin , 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[46]  R. O’Hara,et al.  Cross-realm assessment of climate change impacts on species’ abundance trends , 2017, Nature Ecology &Evolution.

[47]  J. Barber,et al.  Geography shapes the phylogeny of frailejones (Espeletiinae Cuatrec., Asteraceae): a remarkable example of recent rapid radiation in sky islands , 2017, PeerJ.

[48]  F. Hartig,et al.  Mechanistic simulation models in macroecology and biogeography: state‐of‐art and prospects , 2017 .

[49]  Akihiko Mougi,et al.  Species-rich networks and eco-evolutionary synthesis at the metacommunity level , 2017, Nature Ecology &Evolution.

[50]  R. Edwards,et al.  Hydroclimate changes across the Amazon lowlands over the past 45,000 years , 2017, Nature.

[51]  Josué A. R. Azevedo,et al.  Biogeography of anurans and squamates in the Cerrado hotspot: coincident endemism patterns in the richest and most impacted savanna on the globe , 2016 .

[52]  T. Mott,et al.  In the depths of obscurity: Knowledge gaps and extinction risk of Brazilian worm lizards (Squamata, Amphisbaenidae) , 2016 .

[53]  S. Strauss,et al.  Coexistence in Close Relatives: Beyond Competition and Reproductive Isolation in Sister Taxa , 2016 .

[54]  J. Mallet,et al.  Into the Andes: multiple independent colonizations drive montane diversity in the Neotropical clearwing butterflies Godyridina , 2016, Molecular ecology.

[55]  M. Strecker,et al.  Miocene orographic uplift forces rapid hydrological change in the southern central Andes , 2016, Scientific Reports.

[56]  A. Carnaval,et al.  A mid‐Pleistocene rainforest corridor enabled synchronous invasions of the Atlantic Forest by Amazonian anole lizards , 2016, Molecular ecology.

[57]  J. Svenning,et al.  The Neogene rise of the tropical Andes facilitated diversification of wax palms (Ceroxylon: Arecaceae) through geographical colonization and climatic niche separation , 2016 .

[58]  Sebastián González‐Caro,et al.  Exploring palm–insect interactions across geographical and environmental gradients , 2016 .

[59]  Donald R Schoolmaster,et al.  Barrier Displacement on a Neutral Landscape: Toward a Theory of Continental Biogeography , 2016, Systematic biology.

[60]  H. Tuomisto,et al.  A compositional turnover zone of biogeographical magnitude within lowland Amazonia , 2016 .

[61]  D. Silvestro,et al.  SpeciesGeoCoder: Fast Categorization of Species Occurrences for Analyses of Biodiversity, Biogeography, Ecology, and Evolution , 2016, Systematic biology.

[62]  J. Cracraft,et al.  Integrating systematics and biogeography to disentangle the roles of history and ecology in biotic assembly , 2016 .

[63]  K. De Baets,et al.  Tectonic blocks and molecular clocks , 2016, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

[64]  Jason L. Brown,et al.  Inferring responses to climate dynamics from historical demography in neotropical forest lizards , 2016, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[65]  L. Knowles,et al.  Toward a paradigm shift in comparative phylogeography driven by trait-based hypotheses , 2016, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[66]  N. Pitman,et al.  The discovery of the Amazonian tree flora with an updated checklist of all known tree taxa , 2016, Scientific Reports.

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[68]  R. Reis,et al.  Fish biodiversity and conservation in South America. , 2016, Journal of fish biology.

[69]  Bryan C. Carstens,et al.  Recurrent connections between Amazon and Atlantic forests shaped diversity in Caatinga four‐eyed frogs , 2016 .

[70]  B. Carstens,et al.  Phylogeographic concordance factors quantify phylogeographic congruence among co‐distributed species in the Sarracenia alata pitcher plant system , 2016, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

[71]  D. Silvestro,et al.  Fossil biogeography: a new model to infer dispersal, extinction and sampling from palaeontological data , 2016, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

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[73]  A. S. Meseguer,et al.  Extinction in Phylogenetics and Biogeography: From Timetrees to Patterns of Biotic Assemblage , 2016, Front. Genet..

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[75]  C. Davis,et al.  The abiotic and biotic drivers of rapid diversification in Andean bellflowers (Campanulaceae) , 2016, The New phytologist.

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[81]  Susanne A. Fritz,et al.  A guide to phylogenetic metrics for conservation, community ecology and macroecology , 2016, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

[82]  Bryan C. Carstens,et al.  Biogeographic barriers drive co-diversification within associated eukaryotes of the Sarracenia alata pitcher plant system , 2016, PeerJ.

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[88]  J. Albert,et al.  Biogeographical signature of river capture events in Amazonian lowlands , 2015 .

[89]  O. Ovaskainen,et al.  Defaunation affects carbon storage in tropical forests , 2015, Science Advances.

[90]  David J. Lohman,et al.  Ancient Neotropical origin and recent recolonisation: Phylogeny, biogeography and diversification of the Riodinidae (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). , 2015, Molecular phylogenetics and evolution.

[91]  P. S. Ward,et al.  Macroevolutionary assembly of ant/plant symbioses: Pseudomyrmex ants and their ant-housing plants in the Neotropics , 2015, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

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[103]  H. Tuomisto,et al.  Phylogenetic relatedness within Neotropical fern communities increases with soil fertility , 2015 .

[104]  Alexandre Antonelli,et al.  Estimating species diversity and distribution in the era of Big Data: to what extent can we trust public databases? , 2015, Global ecology and biogeography : a journal of macroecology.

[105]  G. Mittelbach,et al.  Ecological and evolutionary perspectives on community assembly. , 2015, Trends in ecology & evolution.

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[115]  R. Ree,et al.  Integrating Fossils, Phylogenies, and Niche Models into Biogeography to Reveal Ancient Evolutionary History: The Case of Hypericum (Hypericaceae) , 2014, Systematic biology.

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[117]  N. Matzke,et al.  Model selection in historical biogeography reveals that founder-event speciation is a crucial process in Island Clades. , 2014, Systematic biology.

[118]  H. Tuomisto,et al.  Species richness and diversity along edaphic and climatic gradients in Amazonia , 2014 .

[119]  Alexandre Antonelli,et al.  A network approach for identifying and delimiting biogeographical regions , 2014, Nature Communications.

[120]  C. Moritz,et al.  Prediction of phylogeographic endemism in an environmentally complex biome , 2014, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

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[138]  Daniele Silvestro,et al.  Bayesian estimation of speciation and extinction from incomplete fossil occurrence data. , 2014, Systematic biology.

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[142]  Michael J. Landis,et al.  Bayesian analysis of biogeography when the number of areas is large. , 2013, Systematic biology.

[143]  J. Terborgh,et al.  Hyperdominance in the Amazonian Tree Flora , 2013, Science.

[144]  J. Huelsenbeck,et al.  The fossilized birth–death process for coherent calibration of divergence-time estimates , 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[145]  Susanne A. Fritz,et al.  Diversity in time and space: wanted dead and alive. , 2013, Trends in ecology & evolution.

[146]  F. Werneck,et al.  Quaternary range and demographic expansion of Liolaemus darwinii (Squamata: Liolaemidae) in the Monte Desert of Central Argentina using Bayesian phylogeography and ecological niche modelling , 2013, Molecular ecology.

[147]  R. Leite,et al.  Revisiting Amazonian phylogeography: insights into diversification hypotheses and novel perspectives , 2013, Organisms Diversity & Evolution.

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[170]  J. Cracraft,et al.  A palaeobiogeographic model for biotic diversification within Amazonia over the past three million years , 2012, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

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[182]  R. Reis,et al.  Aquatic Biodiversity in the Amazon: Habitat Specialization and Geographic Isolation Promote Species Richness , 2011, Animals : an open access journal from MDPI.

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[184]  A. Antonelli,et al.  Why are there so many plant species in the Neotropics , 2011 .

[185]  G. Colli,et al.  Revisiting the historical distribution of Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests: new insights based on palaeodistribution modelling and palynological evidencegeb , 2011 .

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