Article 33 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: National Structures for the Implementation and Monitoring of the Convention

Preface (Gerard Quinn) Acknowledgements Biographies Editorial Introduction (Gauthier de Beco) Part I. Theoretical Part Chapter 1: National Structures for the Implementation and Monitoring of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Gauthier de Beco and Alexander Hoefmans) Part II. Case studies Chapter 2: Implementation of Article 33 CRPD in Denmark: the Sails are up, but Where is the Wind (Maria Ventegodt Liisberg) Chapter 3: Implementation of Article 33 CRPD in the United Kingdom: the Need to Consolidate Civil Society Engagement (Rachel Murray and Kelley Johnson) Chapter 4: Implementation of Article 33 CRPD in Italy: Magna Pars est Profectus Velle Proficere (Delia Ferri) Chapter 5: Implementation of Article 33 CRPD in Slovenia: A Feeling of Confusion (Aleksandra Tabaj and Cveto Ursic) Chapter 6: Implementation of Article 33 CRPD in Austria: An Evolving Sense of Action (Marianne Schulze) Chapter 7: Implementation of Article 33 CRPD in Spain: A Rather Erratic and Improvised Experience (Francisco J. Bariffi) Annexes UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Principles relating to the status and functioning of national institutions for the protection and promotion of human rights (Paris Principles)