유해가스(CO,CO₂) 감지정보 전송을 위한 USN 지그비센서노드 구현

In this study, Zigbee Sensor Node to transmit harmful gases CO and CO₂ information using wireless communication within the ground and underground structures were developed. Wireless communication protocol was used Zigbee Stack included IEEE 802. 15.4 MAC protocol. For wireless transmission of detected harmful gas signal from ADC of MCU was implemented Zigbee Sensor Node that was developed protocol using Serial-Port-Profile(SPP) here. The proposed Zigbee Sensor Node was verified transmission distance from experiments. Transmission distance was into 90m in experiments. Distance experiments were measured at 10m intervals using sine & pulse wave input signal at indoors. The proposed Route Sensor Node was applied mesh routing protocol. When built up USN(Ubiquitous Sensor Network)using Route Sensor Node, transmission distance was not limited. On the experimental results, harmful gas values between direct measurements and USN measurements were consistent. The semiconductor CO sensor and N-DIR CO₂ sensor module as a harmful sensor was used. Therefore, the proposed Zigbee Sensor Node was verified about reliability and validity to build USN for transmission of harmful gas information.