Spectrum-aware routing, transport protocols and negotiation protocols between players for secondary

This Deliverable, D6.2, reports the work performed in T6.2, T6.3, T6.4 and T6.5 of WP6. It firstly elaborates on the identification of the available TV white spaces in Munich area, used to populate the geo-location database of COGEU final demonstrator. Based on these results, it then deals with the simulation of LTE extension over TV white spaces and investigates the improvement of celular coverage. D6.2 also presents the design, implementation and evaluation of networking protocols (i.e. negotiation, routing and trasport layer), regarding the efficient communication and spectrum trading between secondary users in COGEU use-cases. Keyword list: TVWS identification, LTE over TVWS, negotiation protocols, spectrum aware routing protocols, transport layer protocols. COGEU D6.2 Spectrum-aware routing, transport protocols and negotiation protocols between players for secondary spectrum trading; System level simulation tool initial specification Page 2 of 103 Executive Summary This deliverable reports preliminary work performed in Tasks, 6.2 “Spectrum-aware routing protocols”, 6.3 “Cognitive transport layer protocols”, 6.4 “Negotiation protocols between players for secondary spectrum trading” and 6.5 “Simulation tools and system level evaluation”. More specifically, T6.2 elaborates on the design, development and evaluation of spectrum-aware routing protocols capable to efficiently operate, among COGEU secondary users. It also investigates spectrum-aware routing protocols for CR networks that are based on conventional protocols, utilized in Ad-Hoc, multi-hop wireless networks. The research approaches proposed in this deliverable enable for the proper transition of data between secondary users with heterogeneous spectrum availability, taking into account the absence of a Common Control Channel (CCC). T6.3 deals with the implementation and evaluation of transport layer protocols that are adopted in COGEU network architectures. T6.4 elaborates on the design of a negotiation protocol, which is able to establish the efficient communication regarding trading negotiation issues, among COGEU secondary users and Spectrum Broker. D6.2 also reports the work performed in T6.5, which elaborates on the computation of the available TVWS in Munich area and the population of COGEU geo-location database. This TVWS availability data is used in the simulation experiments, regarding LTE extension over TVWS, where three different scenarios are implemented. Following, the key achievements of this deliverable are listed below:  Computation of the available TVWS in Munich area based on methodology proposed in D6.1. The resulted data is used to populate the geo-location database of COGEU final demonstrator.  Data regarding the acceptable transmission power for the TVWS device, for an area 50 km x 50 km around Munich, is generated and provided in EXCEL format for integration in COGEU geolocation database.  Investigations are performed with moderate values of parameters (i.e. protection ratios, overload threshold, etc) regarding the TVWS calculation. Results are gained with these moderate parameters approving that the operation of TVWS devices is possible in principle, in specific geographical location under a number of constraints.  Two business cases for TVWS usage were obtained from the investigation: a) areas with portable broadcast coverage, where TVWS might be used for low power transmission systems, like WiFi, and b) rural areas / isolated residential areas, where it is possible to keep larger minimum distances between TVWS base station transmitter and closest possible broadcast receiver.  Investigation results indicate that TVWS usage is appropriate for WiFi use in order to solve the overloading problem of ISM bands in urban and dense urban areas and could provide an affordable broadband Internet access for rural areas, which follows the call of EU parliament for equal treatment of all regions within EU.  A LTE simulator is developed in order to obtain appropriate results of simulation, by utilizing three modes of operation (Normal, Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2). Normal mode is possible to view useful statistics in the network planning engineering, for example, the SINR across the map and the amount of interference. The tool uses TVWS opportunities identified in Munich area.  Simulations LTE extension in the TV white spaces are based on three areas of Munich that represent three related scenarios (urban, suburban and rural).  Final results indicate that operators can reduce the cost of base stations installation, providing in this way services with a competitive advantage over competitors. The quality of network planning process has a direct influence on the operators’ profit. So, for an operator this parameter is very important to reduce the OPEX (Operational Expenditures) and the CAPEX (Capital Expenditures). COGEU D6.2 Spectrum-aware routing, transport protocols and negotiation protocols between players for secondary spectrum trading; System level simulation tool initial specification Page 3 of 103  Urban scenario offers higher throughput, but the difference in the number of the resource block per user in both frequencies, is small. This means that most users are close to the base station and already have high MCS for both frequencies. Also, the number of sites in urban scenario is less 18.8 % in TVWS, which represents a cost reduction.  For the suburban scenario, the difference in the number of resource block per user in both frequencies is higher in relation of three scenarios, which means that operators in this case can provide more users per BS sector and the number of sites is less 16.7 % in TVWS, which also represents a cost reduction as in urban.  For the rural scenario in 700 MHz, the number of sites is lowest in comparison to the other scenarios with decrease 50 % and the difference to the number of resource block between 700 MHz and 2.6 GHz is acceptable.  A signaling protocol/interface between the Spectrum Broker and the secondary users is designed. The signaling interface is the protocol that enables for the efficient transaction of spectrum between the Spectrum Broker and the secondary users.  Two types of negotiation protocols are developed. The first one is related with the merchant mode, where the spectrum is sold in terms of first come, first serve basis, while in the second one is associated with the auction mode, where the most valuable bidder wins the spectrum resources.  Routing protocols in conventional wireless networks and CR networks are investigated in order to identify major problems/challenges regarding routing of data across geographical areas with heterogeneous TVWS availability. Routing in CRN is challenging and different from routing in a conventional wireless network. The secondary usage of spectrum is the key difference, since routing in CRNs could not be based on a Common Control Channel (CCC).  Two COGEU scenarios are proposed, implemented and evaluated regarding spectrum-aware routing studies. More specifically, routing protocols are designed, developed and evaluated that can be capable to ensure the reliable data delivery across regions of different TVWS availability. The first scenario elaborates on routing studies related with secondary users, which operate under the spectrum of commons reference model of COGEU (i.e. ad-hoc network infrastructure), while the second one deals with a public safety COGEU use-case.  A routing simulator is developed in terms of COGEU ad-hoc scenario, where the AODV protocol is modified and adapted in order to overcome the challenges regarding the absence of a CCC between the secondary users.  Preliminary results verified the validity of the proposed routing protocol, besides identifying fields for further research in order to enhance this research approach with a coordination mechanism, towards optimizing performance of preliminary simulations.  Transport layer protocols in CRNs have been considered in this work by THALES. A modification of transport protocols in order to operate in a cognitive radio environment; where frequent disruption is a norm and end-to-end paths are typically not available such in some secondary usage scenarios has been investigated. This modification, is however, not public so far because a pending patent issue . An introduction to the problem scope is reported in Annex 7. The work on the Transport layer protocols will be public available in Deliverable D6.4 (December 2012). COGEU D6.2 Spectrum-aware routing, transport protocols and negotiation protocols between players for secondary spectrum trading; System level simulation tool initial specification Page 4 of 103 Table of

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