Editorial Announcement

I am pleased to announce that Professor Daniel Apley from Northwestern University has been chosen to serve as the next Editor of Technometrics. His term as Editor will run from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019. During 2016, my final year as Editor, I will continue to process all revisions of previously submitted manuscripts, but all newly submitted manuscripts will be directed to Professor Apley as Editor-Elect of the journal. After that time, all manuscripts, both new and revised, will be handled by Professor Apley. Professor Apley received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor in 1997. After a one-year postdoc experience at the same university, he took a position at the Texas A&M University as an assistant professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering. He moved to the Northwestern University in 2003 as an associate professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering, where he is currently a full professor. Professor Apley’s broad research and teaching interests include engineering and industrial statistics, data mining and statistical learning, statistical quality control, manufacturing process diagnosis and automatic control. He has an excellent research record that demonstrates in-depth knowledge in these areas, and many of his research papers are published in top academic journals, including Technometrics, Journal of Quality Technology, and IIE Transactions. Because of the high-quality of his research, he received several prestigious awards in the past, such as the Wilcoxon Prize in 2008, the IIE Transactions Best Paper Award in 2003, the Morris E. Fine Professorship in Manufacturing during 2003–2006, and the NSF CAREER Award in 2001. Professor Apley has extensive editorial experience. He served as associate editor of Technometrics during 2002–2009, and as editorial review board member of Journal of Quality of Technology during 2004–present. He was the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Quality of Technology during 2009–2012. As an associate editor or a referee, he always wrote thoughtful, in-depth and respectful reviews. As the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Quality of Technology, his work was excellent and well-respected. His broad knowledge and experience in research and applications and his editorial ability will equip him to be an excellent Editor. The Technometrics Management Committee and the Boards of the American Society for Quality and the American Statistical Association join me in welcoming Professor Apley in his new capacity as Editor of Technometrics.