Vascular volumes in isolated perfused guinea pig placenta.
Maternal and fetal vascular volumes were determined in 13 isolated artificially perfused guinea pig placentas by measuring mean transit times of an intravascular indicator (Evan's blue dye) at constant flow rates. When both maternal and fetal flow rates were 3.1 ml/min, the average maternal volume of the placenta was 1.85 +/- 0.54 (SD) ml, and the mean fetal volume was 0.92 +/- 0.2 (SD) ml. If calculated maternal volumes were corrected for the myometrial vascular volume and for the interlobium volume, the remaining volume attributable largely to the labyrinth averaged approximately 1.2 ml. When flow rates were changed on the fetal or the maternal side between 0 and 6.2 ml/min, vascular volumes also changed. For example, volumes increased directly with flow rates on that side of the placenta in which the flow change was introduced; in most cases, it decreased on the opposite side where the flow rates had not been altered. This intraplacental volume shift may be regarded as the basic event for the sluice flow phenomenon in placentas.