EMERGING INFECTIONS : Postnatal Zika virus infection is associated with persistent abnormalities in brain structure , function , and behavior in infant macaques

The Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic is associated with fetal brain lesions and other serious birth defects classified as congenital ZIKV syndrome. Postnatal ZIKV infection in infants and children To whom correspondence should be addressed: Ann Chahroudi, achahro@emory.edu. Author contributions: A.C. designed the study with input from M.M., M.A., M.S.S., J.W., D.H.O., T.H.V., R.P.J., D.I.W. and G.S. M.S.S. provided the virus. J.R. and M.C.A. performed the HI test and interpreted the data. Z.K-B., M.M.S, and X.Z. interpreted the neuroimaging. D.F., E.F., E.E., and M.S. provided tools for imaging analysis. S.G. and M.W.B. performed histopathology. S.K.B. and J.W. performed and analyzed ELISA and neutralization assays. J.T.O., C.E.M., M.S.S., V.K.B, D.M.M., and D.I.W. performed and analyzed data from virologic assays with help from C.M. J.H., C.M., and M.M. processed samples. S.M.J. and J.K.C. provided animal care and collected samples. A.C., M.M., and V.A. wrote the manuscript with help from the other authors. Competing interests: D.H.O. is a paid a member of the Institutional Biosafety Committee for Takeda Vaccines, that is involved in ZIKV research. HHS Public Access Author manuscript Sci Transl Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 October 13. Published in final edited form as: Sci Transl Med. 2018 April 04; 10(435): . doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.aao6975. A uhor M anscript

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