Reduction in Space for Dynamic Finite Element Analysis of Assemblies of Beam-columns when the Mass is Available in Digitized Format
In 2008, a technique was proposed to reduce run-times in analysis of semi-discretized equation of motion against dynamic excitations available in digitized format. Later, the technique was successfully adapted to reduce numbers of degrees of freedom in finite element analysis of assemblies of beam-columns subjected to static digitized loads. In this paper, attention is paid to dynamic finite element analysis of assemblies of beam-columns. It is shown that, when the mass is available in digitized format, after small modifications in the original technique, the adaptation can simplify the analysis, regardless of the models' sizes, their linearity or non-linearity, and whether the damping is classical or non-classical. The reductions in run-time and in-core memory are considerable, while the changes in accuracy can be negligible.