측량기기 발전에 따른 관련법규 개정을 위한 연구 -평판점 이동거리 비교 실험측량 중심으로-
Our cadastral system had been established by Japan in 1910s for land seizure and tax collection at first. The most of cadatral system had been maintained as it was since 1910s, Japanese colonial era, but it was partially revised to be realistic system in 1950s Although the current cadatral law has been revised to the law of GIS(Geographic Information System) after revision of land and waterway surveying and cadatral surveying, the most has been maintained as it is since the first. Surveying devices have been also changed so much from the past to now. For examples, in the past we used a tapeline for distance measurment and a alidade for angle measurment but we uses EDM(Electronic Distance Measurement Devices) and a theodolite for now. Especially drawings on the paper had been changed to electric plane survey method digitized by workstations. But comparing with significant development of measuring devices, it is reality that the law related to a cadastral survey has been running on the spot since the first establishment . Although measuring devices have been significantly developed, to apply the old law to many parts of a cadastral survey for now is the issue.
We''d like to review Plane point travel distance among many laws related to a cadastral survey. I hope to practically revise the related laws through this experiment research.
As the first step, we set the research object place and then did actual survey on the place.
We analyzed accuracy and precision through many people did actual survey three times for each comparing with two ways, one of them is to comply with current laws and the other is different from current laws.
According to current survey regulations established since we used old survey devices back then, Plane point travel distance should be set within 50m ~ 300m although it could be set max. 2,000m though developed accuracy and precision of advanced devices for now. It is the issue to apply the current laws to a cadastral survey using advanced devices. But it doesn''t mean to change the distance to max. 2,000m. Just the object of the research is to practically revise and complement the related laws through the experiment research. Rather than revising and complementing the laws for Plane point travel distance, we hope that the various related laws would be practically changed through experiment and research like this.