Reell kompetens som resurs i högre utbildning
Studenters reella kompetens kan ligga till grund for tillgodoraknanden i hogre utbildning, men har aven betydelse for den pedagogiska processen i en utbildning. Har diskuteras hur den reella kompetensen kan ses som en resurs i dessa bada avseenden. Begreppen reell kompetens och larande behandlas, liksom relationen mellan erfarenheter, larande och erkannande av den reella kompetens som tidigare larande lett till. Erkannandet kan ske genom validering och formella tillgodoraknanden, men ocksa genom att den reella kompetensen tas tillvara och underlattar studentens larprocess under utbildningens gang. Students' "real" or actual competence can be the basis for credits and exemptions in higher education, but is also important in relation to the educational process. Here, real/actual competence as a resource is discussed in both these aspects. The concepts real/actual competence and learning are discussed, as well as the relation between experiences, learning and recognition of competence based on prior learning. Recognition could take place through formal "validation" where credits are assigned, but also when it is taken account of and makes the learning process in a course/programme easier.