Monitored Control System of Temperature/humidity for Ammunition Storehouse Based on LabVIEW

The humidity and temperature in ammunition storehouse is very important to the quality of ammunition during storage. Thus, there is a strict variation range for the value of humidity and temperature in storehouse. In order to improve the management efficiency of the storekeepers in storehouse, it designs a monitored system of temperature and humidity for ammunition storehouse based on Lab VIEW. It introduces the principle and structure of the system. The monitored system consists of two parts: host computer for data receive, analysis and displaying, the measurement and control subsystem which is designed based on single chip computer. In order to improve the integration of the subsystem, an advanced sensor SHT15 is adopted, which can not only measure the temperature, but also the relative humidity in storehouse. At last, it introduces the designing of programs in the host computer and single chip computer, respectively.