In this study, estimating the difference in the percentiles of two delta-lognormal independent populations was of interest. We used several parameters in a simulation study to compare two delta-lognormal independent populations in terms of percentiles. By simulation, it was found that the coverage probabilities were sufficiently small with a small sample size (\(n = 10\), \(m = 10\) and \(n = 50\), \(m = 10\)), but when the size of the sample was large, the coverage probabilities increased in all three cases in this study. When applying our method to a real-life weather situation, we found that the rainfall data from the Ping River in Northern Thailand (Fang and Chiang Dao, Chiang Mai province) followed delta-lognormal distribution using the confidence interval of delta-lognormal distribution percentiles and that the coverage probability was well estimated.
K. Krishnamoorthy,et al.
Confidence intervals for the mean and a percentile based on zero-inflated lognormal data
Romual Eloge Tchouta.
Estimating the difference of percentiles from two independent populations
Confidence Intervals for Mean and Difference between Means of Normal Distributions with Unknown Coefficients of Variation
K. Krishnamoorthy,et al.
Confidence limits for lognormal percentiles and for lognormal mean based on samples with multiple detection limits.
The Annals of occupational hygiene.
Suparat Niwitpong,et al.
Confidence Intervals for the Ratio of Means of Delta-Lognormal Distribution
W. J. Owen,et al.
Estimation of the Mean for Lognormal Data Containing Zeroes and Left-Censored Values, with Applications to the Measure- ment of Worker Exposure to Air Contaminants