Enterprise Inter- and Intra-Organizational Integration: Building International Consensus, IFIP TC5/WG5.12 International Conference on Enterprise Integration and Modeling Technique (ICEIMT'02), April 24-26, 2002, Valencia, Spain

Committees of the EI3-IC. Acknowledgements. Foreword - The European Commission. Foreword - The US National Institute of Standards and Technology. Preface. Part 1: Overview and Results. EI3-IC Overview K. Kosanke. ICEIMT: History and Challenges H.T. Goranson. Accomplishments of the ICEIMT'02 J.G. Nell, H.T. Goranson. Enterprise Modelling and Integration F.B Vernadat. Part 2: Knowledge Management in Inter- and Intra-Organisational Environments. A Merged Future for Knowledge Management and Enterprise Modeling H.T. Goranson, et al. Anchoring Knowledge in Business-Process Models to support Interoperability of Virtual Organizations P. Heisig, et al. Managing Processes and Knowledge in Inter-Organisational Environments D. Chen, et al. Ontologies and their Role in Knowledge Management and E-Business Modelling H. Akkermans. Semantic Bridging of Independent Enterprise Ontologies M.N. Huhns, L.M. Stephens. Active Knowledge Models and Enterprise Knowledge Management F. Lillehagen, J. Krogstie. Synthesising an Industrial Strength Enterprise Ontology C. Partridge, M. Stefanova. Part 3: Enterprise Inter- and Intra-Organisational Engineering and Integration. Agents and Advanced Virtual Enterprises: Needs and an Approach H.T. Goranson, et al. Virtual Enterprise Planning Methods and Concepts R.H. Weston, et al. Quality of Virtual Enterprise Reference Models P. Bernus. The Business Process (Quiet) Revolution M.H. Levi. Enterprise Architecture and Systems Engineering P. Webb. Proposal of a Reference Framework for Manufacturing Systems Engineering G. von Cieminski, et al. The Users View of Enterprise Integration and the Enterprise Process Architecture J.C. Mendez Barreiro. Matching Teams to Business Processes N. Byer, R.H. Weston. Analysis of Perceptions of Personnel at Organisational Levels on the Integration of Product, Functional and Process Orientations R.S. Aguilar-Saven. Challenges to Multi-Enterprise Integration W.J. Tolone, et al. Practices in Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Firms R. Poler Escoto, et al. Component-Based Automotive Production Systems R.H. Weston, et al. The MISSION Project M. Rabe, F.-W. Jaekel. Part 4: Interoperability of Business Process and Enterprise Models. System Requirements: Products, Processes and Models J.G. Nell, et al. Ontologies as a New Cost Factor in Enterprise Integration H.T. Goranson, et al. From Integration To Collaborative Business M. Payne. Enterprise Interoperability: A Standardisation View D. Chen, F.B. Vernadat. Interoperability of Standards to Support Application Integration E. de la Hostria. MultiView Program Status: Data Standards for the Integrated Digital Environment R.L. Engwall, J.W. Reber. Workflow Quality of Service J. Cardoso, et al. Improving PDM Systems Integration Using Software Agents Yinsheng Li, et al. Ontologies for Semantically Interoperable Electronic Commerce L. Obrst, et al. Part 5: Common Representation of Enterprise Models. Steps in Enterprise Modelling I.L. Kotsiopoulos, et al. New Support Technologies for Enterprise Integration H.T. Goranson, et al. Some Methodological Clues for Defining a Unified Enterprise Modelling Language M. Petit. Common Representation through UEML - Requirements and Approach R. Jochem. UML Semantics Representation of Enterprise Modelling Constructs H. Panetto. Language Semantics I.L. Kotsiopoulos.