철도건널목 개선편익 산정방법 및 적용
When railway crossing is required to be improved to improve road traffic efficiency, cost-benefits analysis is conducted. In the analysis, such benefits as the reduction of the delay in road vehicle traffic and related costs and reduction of traffic accidents have been appropriately estimated, however, which has not been the case for the reduction of railway operation costs and accidents. This omission may result in a significant difference in the total estimation of the benefits achievable in a long railway line where many of the crossings are improved or reconstructed. This would deteriorate the rationality of the benefit analysis. As the result, although there are various, significant benefits recognizable in the improvement of railway crossings, but they have not been included in the list of the benefits due to the difficulty in calculation. To this end, this paper proposes a methodology of the calculation of the benefits of railway crossing improvement by estimating the unit costs used in the estimation of the benefits obtainable by the reduction of the railway operation costs and the reduction of the accidents at a crossing on the basis of past studies and data.