Panel session: a report on the model curriculum for computer engineering
The computer society of the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE-CS) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) established the joint task force on Computing Curricula 2001 (CC2001) to undertake a major review of curriculum guidelines for undergraduate programs in computing. The effort was to match the latest developments of computing technologies in the past decade and last through the next decade. The "Computing Curriculum 1991" and other previous efforts of the IEEE-CS and ACM did not distinguish computer science from computer engineering programs. The IEEE-CS and ACM established the computing curriculum - computer engineering (CCCE) task force in 2001 to develop a separate volume on computer engineering curricula to complement the CC2001 report. The work of the CCCE task force appears as a report available for review on the web. This report has undergone extensive review, including an NSF-sponsored workshop. By the time of this conference, the final report will have been presented to the IEEE-CS and ACM, and made available for distribution. This panel presents an overview of that report.