Medical diagnostic imaging support systems for military medicine

The Surgeon''s General of the military services created the Medical Diagnostic Imaging Support (MDIS) project to exploit the results of extensive imaging research efforts over the past ten years. The MDIS project will achieve the objective of implementing filmless medical imaging systems at several military medical treatment facilities over the next 4 years. Filmless medical imaging systems must be presented to decision makers via strategic principles to foster support. MDIS is a superior alternative for health care delivery when compared to film- based image management systems which are inherently limited by film as a hard copy media. Four enabling core technologies make it possible to system integrate an effective filmless system for military medicine. These filmless MDIS systems will be acquired from industry through a contracting approach that (1) functionally describes subsystem and system performance for acceptable clinical operations, (2) validates proposed systems through performance evaluation, and (3) makes a system selection and contract award that based on best value for the government.