Effects of Gender, Frame Length, and Participation Time on Load Carrying Behavior

Abstract : This study was conducted to determine the effects of backpack frame length on the movement capabilities of men and women. The tests included walking and running on a treadmill, an agility run around obstacles, reaction movements to the left and right, ladder climbing, and standing stability. Subjects performed these tests while outfitted in a utility shirt and trousers, combat boots, a PASGT helmet, the ALICE fighting gear, and an ALICE backpack containing 20 lb of military clothing and equipment. The length of the backpack's external frame was varied and each subject was tested under four conditions: standard 20- in. frame (20), frame length equal to waist back length (P), frame length 2 in. less than waist back length (P-2), and frame length 2 in. greater than waist back length (P + 2).