Model Calibration and Uncertainty Estimation

All rainfall-runoff models are, by definition, simplifications of the real-world system under investigation. The model components are aggregated descriptions of real-world hydrologic processes. One consequence of this is that the model parameters often do not represent directly measurable entities, but must be estimated using measurements of the system response through a process known as model calibration. The objective of this calibration process is to obtain a model with the following characteristics: (i) the input-state-output behavior of the model is consistent with the measurements of catchment behavior, (ii) the model predictions are accurate (i.e. they have negligible bias) and precise (i.e. the prediction uncertainty is relatively small), and (iii) the model structure and behavior are consistent with current hydrologic understanding of reality. This article describes the historic development leading to current views on model calibration, and the algorithms and techniques that have been developed for estimating parameters, thereby enabling the model to mimic the behavior of the hydrologic system. Manual techniques as well as automatic algorithms are addressed. The automatic approaches range from purely random techniques, to local and global search algorithms. An overview of multiobjective and recursive algorithms is also presented. Although it would be desirable to reduce the total output prediction error to zero (i.e. the difference between observed and simulated system behavior) this is generally impossible owing to the unavoidable uncertainties inherent in any rainfall-runoff modeling procedure. These uncertainties stem mainly from the inability of calibration procedures to uniquely identify a single optimal parameter set, from measurement errors associated with the system input and output, and from model structural errors arising from the aggregation of real-world processes into a mathematical model. Some commonly used approaches to estimate these uncertainties and their impacts on the model predictions are discussed. The article ends with a brief discussion about the current status of calibration and how well we are able to represent the effects of uncertainty in the modeling process, and some potential directions.

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[103]  Keith Beven,et al.  Equifinality, data assimilation, and uncertainty estimation in mechanistic modelling of complex environmental systems using the GLUE methodology , 2001 .

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[106]  Keith Beven,et al.  Towards an alternative blueprint for a physically based digitally simulated hydrologic response modelling system , 2002 .

[107]  S. Sorooshian,et al.  A Shuffled Complex Evolution Metropolis algorithm for optimization and uncertainty assessment of hydrologic model parameters , 2002 .

[108]  Henrik Madsen,et al.  Comparison of different automated strategies for calibration of rainfall-runoff models , 2002 .

[109]  Keith Beven,et al.  Testing the distributed water table predictions of TOPMODEL (allowing for uncertainty in model calibration): The death of TOPMODEL? , 2002 .

[110]  Keith Beven,et al.  On constraining TOPMODEL hydrograph simulations using partial saturated area information , 2002 .

[111]  Vijay P. Singh,et al.  A toolkit for the development and application of parsimonious hydrological models. , 2002 .

[112]  Shlomo P. Neuman Accounting for conceptual model uncertainty via maximum likelihood Bayesian model averaging , 2002 .

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[114]  Feyzan Misirli Baysal Improving efficiency and effectiveness of Bayesian recursive parameter estimation for hydrologic models , 2003 .

[115]  Neil McIntyre,et al.  Towards reduced uncertainty in conceptual rainfall‐runoff modelling: dynamic identifiability analysis , 2003 .

[116]  Soroosh Sorooshian,et al.  Reply to comment by K. Beven and P. Young on “Bayesian recursive parameter estimation for hydrologic models” , 2003 .

[117]  S. Sorooshian,et al.  Calibration of watershed models , 2003 .

[118]  Peter C. Young,et al.  Comment on “Bayesian recursive parameter estimation for hydrologic models” by M. Thiemann, M. Trosset, H. Gupta, and S. Sorooshian , 2003 .

[119]  S. Sorooshian,et al.  Effective and efficient algorithm for multiobjective optimization of hydrologic models , 2003 .

[120]  Thorsten Wagener Evaluation of catchment models , 2003 .

[121]  Victor Koren,et al.  Runoff response to spatial variability in precipitation: an analysis of observed data , 2004 .

[122]  M. J. Hall,et al.  Rainfall-Runoff Modelling , 2004 .

[123]  Konstantine P. Georgakakos,et al.  The distributed model intercomparison project (DMIP) , 2004 .

[124]  Soroosh Sorooshian,et al.  A hydroarchive for the free exchange of hydrological software , 2004 .

[125]  Matthias Ehrgott,et al.  Multicriteria Optimization , 2005 .

[126]  Keith Beven,et al.  Data‐based modelling of runoff and chemical tracer concentrations in the Haute‐Mentue research catchment (Switzerland) , 2005 .

[127]  Keith Beven,et al.  A manifesto for the equifinality thesis , 2006 .