Design for ship impact according to Eurocode 1, Part 2.7

In May 1997 CEN/TC 250, Subcommission 1, has approved the draft of ENV 1991, Part 2.7, on Accidental Loads due to impact and explosions. This Eurocode document describes the general strategies that can be followed when making design decisions related to all kind of accidental actions. For impact from vehicles, trains and ships as well as for gas and dust explosions some more detailed information is presented. As far as ship impact is concerned, the main text of the document is in agreement with ISO-DP10252, "Accidental Actions due to Human Activities" from 1995. This means that a set of simple quasi static design loads is presented as a function of the ship size. However, in the informative annexes some additional information is presented, showing the basic principles of more advanced non-linear dynamic and probability based types of analysis. At the conference both main text and annexes will be presented and discussed.