Rethinking risk and the precautionary principle

Contents: 1. Defining the Precautionary Principle, Julian Morris 2. Trial and Error vs Trial Without Error, Aaron Wildavsky 3. The Precautionary Principle and Our Obligations to Future Generations, Wilfred Beckerman 4. Precaution, GM Crops and Farmland Birds, Tony Gilland 5. Genetically Modified Fear and Interntational Regulation of Biotechnology, Henry Miller and Gregory Conko 6. Asteroid Collisions and Precautionary Thinking, Charles Rubin 7. Child Protection and the Precautionary Principle, Helene Guldberg 8. Plastic Panics: European Risk Regulation in the Aftermath of BSE, Bill Durodie 9. The Precautionary Principle as a Force for Global Political Centralization -- a case-study of the Kyoto Protocol, Bruce Yandle 10. Applying the Precautionary Principle in a Broader Context, Indur Goklany 11. A Richter Scale for Risk? John Adams 12. Facts vs Factions - the use and abuse of subjectivity in scientific research, Robert Matthews.