A New Secure Hybrid Algorithm for QR-Code Images Encryption and Steganography

Encryption is a method, for the protection of useful information, which is used as one of the security purposes and steganography is the art of hiding the fact that communication is taking place, by hiding information in other Information. In this article at first, plain text message as a security information is converted to the (Quick Response Code) QR-code image and then we proposed a new secure hybrid algorithm for the encryption and steganography of generated QR-code. In this article image encryption is based on two-dimensional logistic chaotic map and AES algorithm and steganography technique is based on LSB algorithm. In addition, Huffman algorithm has come out as the most efficient compression technique and we can use Huffman algorithm to compress encrypted QR-code. Experimental results show that the scheme proposed in this article has a high security and better QR-Code images encryption and steganography quality.