Nuclear data sheets

1967St37 Shell Effects in Nuclear Masses and Deformation Energies ; V.M.Strutinsky; Nucl.Phys. A95, 420 (1967) 1970Ts01 Shape Isomeric States in Heavy Nuclei ; C.F.Tsang, S.G.Nilsson; Nucl.Phys. A140, 275 (1970) 1974Co41 Equilibrium Configurations of Rotating Charged or Gravitating Liquid Masses with Surface Tensor. II. ; S.Cohen, F.Plasil, W.J.Swiatecki; Ann.Phys.(New York) 82, 557 (1974) 1975Be35 Yrast Bands and High-Spin Potential-Energy Surfaces ; R.Bengtsson, S.E.Larsson, G.Leander, et al.; Phys.Lett. 57B, 301 (1975) 1979Bl09 Alpha Decay Amplification in Superdeformed Nuclei: An Important New Mechanism of Nuclear de-Excitation at High Angular Momenta ; M.Blann; Phys.Lett. 88B, 5 (1979) 1980Bl04 Decay of Deformed and Superdeformed Nuclei Formed in Heavy Ion Reactions ; M.Blann; Phys.Rev. C21, 1770 (1980) 1980Ra20 Nilsson-Strutinsky Model of Very High Spin States ; I.Ragnarsson, T.Bengtsson, G.Leander, et al.; Nucl.Phys. A347, 287 (1980) 1981Be41 Some Properties of Superdeformed Nuclei ; T.Bengtsson, M.E.Faber, G.Leander, et al.; Phys.Scr. 24, 200 (1981) 1981Fa05 Shell Structure in Superdeformed Light Nuclei (A <40) at High Rotational Frequencies ; M.E.Faber, M.Ploszajczak; Phys.Scr. 24, 189 (1981) 1982Ab01 High-Spin Potential-Energy Surfaces ; S.Aberg; Phys.Scr. 25, 23 (1982) 1982Go02 Lowest β-Vibrational Phonon in the Second Minima of 236,238U; U.Goerlach, D.Habs, V.Metag, et al.; Phys.Rev.Lett. 48, 1160 (1982) 1985Be12 Study of the Decay Schemes of 89Mo and 92Tc Nuclei ; V.S.Belyavenko, G.P.Borozenets, I.N.Vishnevsky, et al.; Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR, Ser.Fiz. 49, 103 (1985); Bull.Acad.Sci.USSR, Phys.Ser. 49, No.1, 108 (1985) 1985Du01 Shape Evolution in the Transitional Gadolinium, Dysprosium, Erbium, and Ytterbium Nuclei ; J.Dudek, W.Nazarewicz; Phys.Rev. C31, 298 (1985) 1986ChZE High Energy Dipole Bump in the Continuum as a Probe for Super-Deformation ; Y.S.Chen, C.Baktash; Proc.Intern.Nuclear Physics Conference, Harrogate, U.K., p.49 (1986) 1987Ch07 Superdeformation in the Rare-Earth Region ; R.R.Chasman; Phys.Lett. 187B, 219 (1987) 1987Du02 Shape Coexistence Effects and Superdeformation in 84Zr; J.Dudek, W.Nazarewicz, N.Rowley; Phys.Rev. C35, 1489 (1987) 1987Du04 Abundance and Systematics of Nuclear Superdeformed States; Relation to the pseudospin and pseudo-SU(3) symmetries ; J.Dudek, W.Nazarewicz, Z.Szymanski, et al.; Phys.Rev.Lett. 59, 1405 (1987) 1987He23 Population and Decay of the Superdeformed Rotational Band of 152Dy ; B.Herskind, B.Lauritzen, K.Schiffer, et al.; Phys.Rev.Lett. 59, 2416 (1987) 1987Na21 Pairing Correlations in the Superdeformed Rotational Bands: The frequency-deformation scaling ; W.Nazarewicz, Z.Szymanski, J.Dudek; Phys.Lett. 196B, 404 (1987) 1987Sh25 Role of Static and Dynamic Pairing Correlations in the Superdeformed Band of 152Dy; Y.R.Shimizu, E.Vigezzi, R.A.Broglia; Phys.Lett. 198B, 33 (1987) 1987St08 Superdeformed States in Rotating 152Dy; V.M.Strutinsky; Z.Phys. A326, 261 (1987) 1987Sw01 Superdeformed Band in 152Dy as Evidence for the Centrifugal Solidification of a Rotating Nucleus ; W.J.Swiatecki; Phys.Rev.Lett. 58, 1184 (1987) 1988Be22 The Role of High-N Orbits in Superdeformed States ; T.Bengtsson, I.Ragnarsson, S.Aberg; Phys.Lett. 208B, 39 (1988) 1988Du13 Pairing, Temperature, and Deformed-Shell Effects on the Properties of Superdeformed 152Dy Nucleus ; J.Dudek, B.Herskind, W.Nazarewicz, et al.; Phys.Rev. C38, 940 (1988) 1988Du15 Prediction of Hyperdeformed Nuclear States at Very High Spins ; J.Dudek, T.Werner, L.L.Riedinger; Phys.Lett. 211B, 252 (1988) 1988Du16 Dependence of the First Saddle-Point Energy on Temperature and Spin in Superdeformed Rare-Earth Nuclei ; J.Dudek, T.Werner, L.L.Riedinger; Phys.Lett. 213B, 120 (1988) 1988FlZW Microscopic Description of the Ground-State and High-Spin Properties of the Light Strontiums ; H.C.Flocard; Proc.Intern.Workshop Nucl.Struct.of the Zirconium Region, Bad Honnef, Germany, p.143 (1988) 1988KiZQ Moments of Inertia of Superdeformed Nuclei ; S.-I.Kinouchi, T.Kishimoto; Univ.Tsukuba, Tandem Accel.Center, Ann.Rept., 1987, p.54 (1988); UTTAC-54 (1988) 1988No10 Superdeformed Shapes at High Angular Momentum ; P.J.Nolan, P.J.Twin; Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci. 38, 533 (1988) 1988Sh37 Superdeformation and Other Phases at Very High Spin ; J.F.Sharpey-Schafer; Nucl.Phys. A488, 127c (1988) 1988Sh47 Escape Suppressed Spectrometer Arrays: A revolution in γ-ray spectroscopy ; J.F.Sharpey-Schafer, J.Simpson; Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys. 21, 293 (1988) 1988Si18 Nuclear Shapes and Phases at Very High Spin ; J.Simpson; Phys.Scr. T23, 37 (1988) 1988TaZU Intrinsic Structure of the Superdeformed Band in 132Ce; K.Tanabe, K.Sugawara-Tanabe; Proc.of the Conf. on High-Spin Nuclear Structure and Novel Nuclear Shapes, April 13-15, 1988, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois; ANL-PHY-88-2, p.53 (1988) 1989Bo24 Superdeformation and Shape Isomerism at Zero Spin ; P.Bonche, S.J.Krieger, P.Quentin, et al.; Nucl.Phys. A500, 308 (1989) 1989Ch06 Superdeformation Near A=190 ; R.R.Chasman; Phys.Lett. 219B, 227 (1989) 1989Ch41 On the Formation of Superdeformed Nuclear States ; Y.Chen; Chin.J.Nucl.Phys. 11, No.1, 53 (1989) 1989Na07 Shape Variations, Influence of Pairing and Alignment of Angular Momentum in Superdeformed Bands in the A ≈ 150 Region ; W.Nazarewicz, R.Wyss, A.Johnson; Phys.Lett. 225B, 208 (1989) 1989Na17 Structure of Superdeformed Bands in the A ≈ 150 Mass Region ; W.Nazarewicz, R.Wyss, A.Johnson; Nucl.Phys. A503, 285 (1989) 1989Ok01 Fission Stability of Superdeformed Nuclei ; J.Okolowicz, J.M.Irvine; J.Phys.(London) G15, 823 (1989) 1989Sc02 Lifetimes and Lineshapes in Superdeformed Bands ; K.Schiffer, B.Herskind, J.Gascon; Z.Phys. A332, 17 (1989) 1989ShZZ Semi-Empirical Fits for Superdeformed Band Energies ; Y.Y.Sharon, R.A.Naumann, G.Loring; Bull.Am.Phys.Soc. 34, No.4, 1169, D6 7 (1989) 1990Ab08 Superdeformations A Theoretical Overview ; S.Aberg; Nucl.Phys. A520, 35c (1990) 1990Ab13 Nuclear Shapes in Mean Field Theory ; S.Aberg, H.Flocard, W.Nazarewicz; Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci. 40, 439 (1990) 1990Be37 Level Spin and Moments of Inertia in Superdeformed Nuclei Near A=194 ; J.A.Becker, N.Roy, E.A.Henry, et al.; Nucl.Phys. A520, 187c (1990) 1990BeZK Spin Determination in Superdeformed 192Hg and 194Hg; J.A.Becker, N.Roy, E.A.Henry, et al.; Proc.Inter.Conf.Nuclear Structure of the Nineties, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Vol.1, p.2 (1990) 1990Bo40 Quadrupole Collective Correlations and the Depopulation of the Superdeformed Bands in Mercury ; P.Bonche, J.Dobaczewski, H.Flocard, et al.; Nucl.Phys. A519, 509 (1990) 1990Ch24 The Effects of Pairing on Superdeformed Rotational Bands Near A=190 ; R.R.Chasman; Phys.Lett. 242B, 317 (1990) 1990ChZI The Criterion for the Observation of the GDR Built on Superdeformed States ; Y.S.Chen; Proc.Inter.Conf.Nuclear Structure of the Nineties, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Vol.1, p.200 (1990) 1990Do05 The Superdeformed Isotope Chains in the Rare-Earth Region ; B.Dong, Y.Chen, X.Jin; Chin.J.Nucl.Phys. 12, No 1, 1 (1990) 1990DoZY A Model for the Decay of Superdeformed Bands ; T.Dossing, E.Vigezzi; Proc.Inter.Conf.Nuclear Structure of the Nineties, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Vol.1, p.12 (1990) 1990Dr08 Spins in Superdeformed Bands in the Mass 190 Region ; J.E.Draper, F.S.Stephens, M.A.Deleplanque, et al.; Phys.Rev. C42, R1791 (1990) 1990Du10 Prediction of Octupole-Deformation Effects in Superdeformed Nuclei of A ≈ 150 and A ≈ 190 Mass Regions and Possible Interrelation with Pseudo-Spin Symmetry ; J.Dudek, T.R.Werner, Z.Szymanski; Phys.Lett. 248B, 235 (1990)