Basic In the districts where solar energy and wind energy are naturally complementary, the application of wind-solar hybrid energy systems can reduce the storage capacity of batteries and the total cost of the system compared with stand alone PV or wind generation system. But efficient and reliable operation of wind-solar hybrid generation system largely depends on control strategies of the controller. In this study, linear short term prediction of wind and solar will be used in regard with energy management of wind/PV hybrid system with battery storage system and its new control strategy. Due to achieving of this goal at first, each subsystem of this hybrid system should be modeled. Then system control strategy with consideration of memory effect will be modeled and finally if it needs the other prediction methods will be comparing to the result of our system. In this system with short term prediction of wind and solar plus applying suitable control methods, the hybrid system will be optimized economically. Due to this purpose all wind turbine and PV arrays and battery will be modeled in MATLAB-simulink then the strategy of control will be applied to optimize the system.
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